Monday, September 20, 2010

Parallel lines.

Now it all seems so clear, there's nothing left to fear.
So we made our way by finding out what was real.
Now the days are so long, that summer's moving on.
& We reach for something that's already gone.

Im so glad that one of my church friend has offcially gotten himself attached to a wonderful lady. Well, he isn't that young anymore. Its not like he's in 20s or something, but soon to 40.(LOLS JUST KIDDING. FINGERS CROSSED THAT YOU WON'T READ THIS POST)
Hehehe, faster sign up for the ROM date alrights!

He once shared with me about his standards of girls, given his calibre. We all want the best of both worlds when we're picking our steady? Like, peronality wise and outward appearance must be on par and such. But you know somehow somewhat, things may never turn out the things you've wanted.

Sometimes it sucks to be guys, because its like the NORM that they should always be the one taking the initative to such stuffs. What if the guy is too cool to do such stuff? HHAHAHA, or maybe he is too shy?

Its just like 2 parallel lines. Regardless of how short or long the distance between these lines are, the intersection point will never occur if no initiation is done.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Only you can saturate me, envolope me, hold me like you do.
Cause everything I know falls down to you,
If it takes a life time to know you,
A life time Im willing to spend, because only you can disarm me and search me and know who I really am.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


She's giving boys what they want, tries to act so nonchalant,
Afraid they'll see that she's lost her direction.
She never stays the same for long,
Assuming that she'll get it wrong.
Perfect only in her imperfection.

She's not a drama queen,
She doesn't want to feel this way,
only seventeen but tired.

She would change everything for happy ever after.
Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,
But she just needs someone to take her home.

I love this song very much!
Somehow it gives me a clear picture about girls who like companionship, affliation & etc in an interesting way.

Maybe its difficult to find girls who are intellectually really smart, yet you know somehow, they're downright bimbotic if you've seen their genuine personality. That kind of species are kinda rareeeee. :x

Hmmm, they're always putting up a strong front in front of people whom they don't really know, or maybe the kind of people that they really look up to.

-have big dreams for the future.
-hoping that someone would really appreciate her qualities
-always being pessimistic when ALONE
-cheerful & vibrant when she's with her girlfriends
-loves to have heart-to-heart talks with her trusted ones only?
-talks nothing but current affairs with her other peers?

And usually guys will find her kinda weird because of her dominant personality. She looks quiet & cool because she tend to render in deep thoughts instead of being led by emotions easily.

Well, maybe one advice for them. Just feel comfortable in any situation as possible.
Im sure somehow, there would be someone that WILL appreciate that kinda personality. There's no need to really impress anyone, everyone.

As long as we remain who we think we are, I believe that we will earn the deserved respect from our social circle.

No doubt, there will be haters, but being genuine it's all that matters.