Thursday, November 3, 2011

On my knees.

The pastor was talking about having wisdom in life.

"A good outcome is always better than a good income"

I was reminded about this phrase that was mentioned 3 years ago.

& my eyes were closed. I found myself kneeling down at the fountain of life. When I looked up, it was Jesus. And he said with those beautiful eyes, "Son, drink this water of life, and you will be blessed with the wisdom that you need."

Some people say money can't buy happiness. But I beg to differ. Because I believe that in this world, money, is one of the key to happiness.

Because of financial problems, marriage lives are broken.
Because of financial problems, people start robbing.
Because of financial problems, parents sell their kids to those industries.

All these outcomes were never meant to happen. None of these events were ever desirable in the eyes of man.

This is because we're living in this world where money defines our social status, our standard of living, etc.

But there is one thing we all need to have. We need the wisdom.

Which is, never to worship the riches.