Sunday, March 23, 2014


Matthew 6:33-34 : "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry, about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble on its own."

I've not been posting my thoughts for the past few months/years. So.. here it goes.

In relation to the natural's interpretation, perhaps this meant to me as finding self identity in my perspective. Seeking in something that's within you is important. And that is because it moulds the core fundamental value within your own personal lifestyle. And that actually reflects in the society as who you really are as an individual.

One reason why people are feeling dead even though they have everything they need in their life would be the lack of self identity. Basically moving with the flow of life without challenging oneself to break the norm. It creates a status-quo atmosphere in us where progression is a gradual or declining curve.

It is human nature for everyone to have the need for affiliation, a community in where they can feel connected. Likewise in a micro perspective, self identity is vital for essential survival. Be it in any circumstance, scenario, etc, we all need to find a purpose in what we do, in what we feel, in what we desire. And that basically means embracing an intrinsic motivation for something, also known as, passion.

The biggest failure in life isn't about failing to achieve goals despite countless of attempts, but the biggest failure is actually succeeding in things that doesn't even matter to us at the end of the day.