Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thin line.

There's a fine line of difference between ignorance and stupidity. These 2 terms, in my opinion, are classified based on the action's intention.

Stupidity are actions you do while knowing the consequences behind it. Like for example, self-suicidal. Whereas ignorance could cause an uneventful scenario to happen without anyone wanting it to happen. Sometimes shit just happens in a spur . 

I really despise comments made by people when they themselves do not understand the full picture. "oh well he only got himself to blame for being too reckless." "oh gosh never let stupidity get the better of you".

To my understanding, an accident happens because of an action with hidden blind spots. If one should really judge a person for his/her action, they should really assess the agenda of it before making any sort of comment. It just shows how shallow minded a person could be. Without actually empathizing, non-constructive comments such as this actually turns people off. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Your turning point.

Just a little question, perhaps a rhetorical one: Is there a point of time in your life when you felt it's time to have a change of lifestyle?

I was by the park again in the early afternoon, just chilling with a cup of sugarcane and some music from my phone. Saw this little asian caucasian baby with his grandpa taking him out on a stroll. He looked at me with his little blue eyes, and yeah. Truth, happiness and authenticity was what I saw in his soul.

Ever remembered the beliefs that you held on so dearly when you were a toddler before? And only to realize that your dreams were crushed as you grow older in the system of this world.

There are many retrieval cues that changes our lives drastically. But it really depends on how our worldviews rest upon the current situation. It could either make or break you adversely.

No doubt we all have our defining moments in all walks of life. But ultimately it's really up to us whether we wanna be a catalyst in this world, that is, make a difference in the society.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Walking the talk.

Did a 2 hours reflection by the park just now. Realized that there are still many more things that I needa learn. No doubt I've been confine in an enclosed area for 17 days, but I guess I appreciated the time I had during that period.

The highlight during this period, were the values that I've learned. Which is, to cherish the things that I have that's around me. And since I'm gonna spend the 2 years over here, I guess making the best out of it would be the best & only option that I'm gonna take.

In the civilian world, it's kinda typical of someone to think that being in the army would be equating to, defending our country. To be honest, there's more to it. It's more about defending in something you believe in dearly. & that's my family, my love ones. No doubt in the army we'll lose a little bit of touch from the life we used to have that's comfortable, but ultimately it teaches us to be strong.

With regards to defending something, it might not be literally holding weapons as safety mechanisms. But it may also refer to something like standing firm in what you believe adamantly all along. Respect does not comes as and when you like. Nonetheless, it comes from what you've achieved.