Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Don't cry, girl.

Hey Bestie,
Stop feeling emo and all. It really pains me to see you in such dire state.
Yeah from your point of view, I do feel that decisions need to be considered with an adequate amount of time.
No doubt that things had happened and you're stuck in the triangle, but I believe that you'll pull it through at the end of the day.

Im willing to trade my friendship for your foolishness in expense of you brooding over shits for nothing. Because I believe that this is one of the efficient method to catalyse on making your decision firm.

Actually deep down, whatever decision you make, you know I'll be there to give you my support right? Hahaha. I hope you'll have the foresight to make the best decision among the given alternatives.

Trade off your tears and emotions for something better man.

Hahaha, like I've said. I may be bad in expressing these cheesy words but yeah, hope it goes well.
"Don't hog onto good things. Because the better will come in your way for sure."

Even when all else fades, I'll still be that light.
Just for you :)

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