Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Somewhere only we know.

Just got back from MBS.
Got a little sick of mugging at home. So i've decided to take a tour with the rest of my notes at MBS.

Otw there was retarded because I've seen so many elderly people heading their way down to the casino. Somehow it's the addictions that tears a family apart..

Okay nevertheless, I really enjoyed the atmosphere there.
The lightings @ night in the mall actually plays a huge psychological impact in customers. With the various accent lightings and all, they've managed to create a contrast of shadows and dim lights along the various aisles. Hence this generate some sort of interest and anticipation while walking ard the mall with a posh and exclusive impression.

Lol, I personally feel that learning stuffs in retail is more like a leisure, wider exposure of life to me. Concepts we've learned could only bring the subconscious factors that attracts people into the stores, to our conscious. Making it obvious to prevent impulse purchases, etcetc. (save money lolllllll)

& nothing more hahaha.

The highlight of my midnight tour..

This was taken right outside Bay Sand's shopping mall.
You know where there are wooden platforms, where water fountains (whatever you call that) is on the move, along with the projection to create a "slide show".

It was 1.30am & there were no souls around there. The atmosphere was deserted, yet beautiful. Really took off some pressures in life, all the ambitions, all the desires, all the shits. (For the moment only i suppose hahaha)
It's like thinking of nothing, and just solely appreciating what the visual effects had brandished.

Life can offer a whole lot of positive affections as compared to the negative. But often we choose to focus on the rational.. Making life miserable and all.

Cabbed home at about 2.10am.

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